Wednesday, 11 June 2014


Inspiration comes from many directions. It's very often driven by a lack of equipment or a surplus of available junk.  I never turn down the offer of a box or bag of something!  One day, I was sorting out some watercolour paints that I had acquired, a lot of them were beyond saving, but I loved the wee tin boxes.   I also had a bundle of fabric sample books.    So this is what happened.....

The pupils pinned and cut little paper patterns to selected coloured fabric, that represented the colours that appear on the paint palettes.  

The children really gained some understanding of different fabrics, their textures, construction, use, weight etc when handling these samples. They also had to make decisions regarding colour.

The pupils then sewed the patches of colour on to a piece of backing fabric.  All standards of sewing was acceptable, all age groups were involved, as you can see! 

For some schools I was reinforcing a skill that they had previously experienced, sewing clubs are alive and well in some corners of rural Angus.   This was evident in some of the stitching skills that transpired.  A curiosity for sewing was hopefully inspired in other children and maybe some even went home and encouraged Mums and or Dads to dust down the sewing basket.

The little coloured panel was then sewn on to a larger banner which was fixed into the tin and lid.  If I thought I had lost some of the boys when I was giving them sewing instruction, I certainly won them back when the sewing machine was produced.   Inspired by Victorian technology......whatever next! 

The panels are simply hung to create beautiful textile rainbows.


  1. Well that has brightened up my morning, Mrs Crosbie! Needed doing, many thanks.

  2. I love this idea Maureen! I miss working with you!

  3. What a beautiful way to blend watercolor techniques with sewing! The results are absolutely stunning. Hollister Student Discount

  4. I’m always looking for creative ideas, and I recently found some great art supplies and fabric deals through The Hottest Fashion Trends For The New Season.

  5. I’ve always loved both painting and embroidery, but I never thought to combine them. Seeing your work makes me excited to experiment with this fusion of techniques! Altium Yasir252
