Tuesday, 25 October 2011

BODY - proportion and movement

The simplest little card mannequins are a must for figure drawing.  My classes have loved making these and really loved the resulting drawings.

body = 2x3 heads  
legs = 4 head lengths
arms (including hands) =4 head lengths (with a little cut from the width) 
My head templates were @ 5cmX 3.5cm, but you could use any size.  I am really looking for an excuse to make a giant figure from large pieces of card, do I really need an excuse?  

Here is another variation on this theme.  Newtyle school needed some moonwalking astronauts, and that's just what they got!


  1. Maureen,
    These are wonderful! Do they just trace around the mannequin and then add the ovals? What size are the brads? Thanks.

  2. Thanks Suzanne, yes draw round the templates, then add ovals to create a more natural shape. The "brads" are brass paper clips, size unknown! Whatever I have to hand!!

  3. Here are the type of fasteners you need Swingline #3 Plated Brass Fasteners, 100 Count
